

Episkopal basilica of Philippopolis - an exhibition and a scientific conference

Episkopal basilica of Philippopolis - an exhibition and a scientific conference

5/10/2018 4:08:00 PM


A new exhibition titled "Early Christian Episcopal Basilica of Philippopolis" was opened in Regional Archaeological Museum – Plovdiv on May 10, 2018. It presents the construction periods and objects found on this archaeological site.

A scientific conference on " Episcopal Basilica of Philippopolis: researches and results 2015-2017" took place in the period 10th and 11th May 2018.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kostadin Kisyov - director of the Regional Archaeological Museum - Plovdiv, Mrs. Amelia Gesheva - deputy minister of Culture, Mr. Ivan Totev - mayor of Plovdiv Municipality, Mr. Alexander Dirjikov - deputy mayor “Culture and Tourism”, Mr. Lenko Lenkov - representative of America for Bulgaria Foundation led off the two-day discussions.

Elena Kesiakova and Jeni Tankova - the scientific heads of the archaeological research of the Episcopal basilica as well as other experts in the field presented theirs reports.

The events provoked the interest of the journalists and the public.

programa - nauchna konferenciq - 10-11_05_2018 -.pdf
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