Book exchange

Since 1962 the library at the Museum has exchanged books with institutes and universities in many European countries.  The library collection includes publications from some of the greatest scientific institutions of old Europe i. e.: "Sbornik" of the museum in Prague (the Czech Republic), "Byzantinoslavica", "Slovenská archeológia", "Communicationes Archaeologicae Hungariae", "Старинар" (the Archaeological Institute – Belgrade, Serbia), "Dacia" and "Thraco – Dacica" (Academia Română, Institutul de Archeologie in Bucarest, Romania), "Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Römische Abteilung" ("Bullettino dell instituto archeologico germanico, Sezione romana"). From the Römisch – Germanisches – Zentralmuseum in Mainz (Germany), with whom the library of the Regional Archaeological Museum keeps an intensive book exchange, received are the popularity periodicals "Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt (Urgeschichte – Römerzeit – Frühmittelalter)" and "Bericht der romisch-germanischen Commission". The library also maintains relations with Salzburg and Linz (Austria) and Kiev (Ukraine) that send the "Salzburg Jahrbuch" and "Археологiя", together with many monographs. The scientific magazine "Dumbarton Oaks Papers" from Washington (USA), published by the Harvard University, is also among the renown periodicals kept at the Museum library.

The library owns some of the best Bulgarian archaeological series and periodicals, namely the magazine "Archaeologija" (since 1959), "Archaeologia Bulgarica" (since 1997), "Bulletin of the Archaeological Institute" published by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, "Year book of the Archaeological museum, Sofia", "Museums and monuments of culture", "Bulletin of the museums in South eastern Bulgaria", "Numizmatika". The Museum library also has many other scientific publications and works by renown Bulgarian scientists in the field of archaeology.