

The exhibition "Greek books in  Archaeological Museum Plovdiv"

The exhibition "Greek books in Archaeological Museum Plovdiv"

7/13/2012 4:02:56 PM
Museums and their work in networks
Museums and their work in networks
11/22/2011 12:00:00 PM
National workshop on "Best Practices: museums and their work in networks" was held in Veliko Tarnovo on November 17-18, 2011
10/14/2011 11:35:50 AM
The Library participated in the Workshop "Presentation of the Library and its participation in educational programs" on October 13, 2011
International online Conference
International online Conference
5/16/2011 5:06:00 PM
The Library of the Museum participated in the International online Conference "Contemporary issues in museum studies" on May 13, 2011
4/7/2011 4:16:00 PM
The Library "Boris Dyakovich" with Acknowledgment
Workshop of Special Libraries
Workshop of Special Libraries
3/24/2011 3:55:00 PM
Workshop of Special Libraries was held in Conference hall of the Museum on March 24, 2011
The exhibition of rare and valuable editions
The rare and valuable editions from the fund of the Library "Boris Dyakovich" were exhibited in the reading room in the period from March to September 2011